Not Sure What Makes You a Great Job Candidate?

"Why would a potential employer want to choose me over all the other job applicants?" "What do I have to offer that makes me unique?" Answering these question is one of the most common challenges I see in clients starting a job search, as well as those who have been slogging [...]

By |2023-08-15T16:23:04+00:00August 15, 2023|Career Advice, Career Transitions, job search advice|

Finding Work That Works for You: Mackenzie’s Story

Mackenzie O'Connor is a multi-talented individual. She co-founded a performance troupe, does improv, and has organized multiple entertainment events over the years. Yet, she found herself in her mid-twenties stuck in low level jobs that used a small fraction of her wide array of skills and left her feeling drained. By [...]

By |2023-04-25T22:31:46+00:00April 25, 2023|Career Transitions, job search advice|

Own Your Awesome: Make Sure You Go Into Your Job Search with the Right Attitude and In the Right Mood

In a recent interview, Matthew McConaughey shared a powerful lesson that anyone involved in a job search can benefit from. He shared how after his first movie role (in Dazed and Confused),  he could get auditions but no roles. At this point, he had less than a thousand dollars in his [...]

By |2023-04-24T16:24:17+00:00April 20, 2023|Career Advice, job search advice, Mindset and Personal Development|
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